Wednesday, August 29, 2012

i AM a runner

i did it. 

i started the couch to 5k program last night. 

i got my big ol' booty out to the track and ran.  and bless my sweet man's heart, he ran with me and manned the stop watch the entire time.  he kept giving me encouragement when i needed it and kept his mouth shut when he knew i needed silence.  he is one of my greatest strengths and i thank the Lord daily for him.

leave it to me, but i looked at the wrong training schedule day.  i didn't figure that out until we got back, but i looked at week 3, day 1 instead of week 1, day 1.  what i was SUPPOSED to do was a brisk 5 minute walk for a warm up, then jog for 60 seconds, walk for 90 seconds and repeat for 20 minutes.  what i ACTUALLY did was jog for 90 seconds, walk 90 seconds, jog 3 minutes, walk 3 minutes and repeat.  holy crap!  i thought i was gonna die!  jog for 3 WHOLE MINUTES?!?!  any of you that know me, know i don't have what would be called a "runner's body" it's more of a "i love pasta and bread body" so jogging isn't something that comes easily or naturally.  i've always said that if i'm running, you better run too cause someones behind me chasing me with a knife.

that first jog was tough for me, i'm not gonna lie.  i was wearing the wrong pants (yoga pants) and while they are comfortable, they don't do well for jogging cause both the pants and undies kept falling down with every step.  so i had to keep yanking them up.  yeah, i bet THAT was a sight to all the other walker/joggers on the track.  but when i got to walk after that first jog...  oh sweet relief.  thank the Lord Jesus!  i don't think i have ever been so relieved!  except maybe after the first 3 minute run...  i'm pretty sure that was the LONGEST 3 minutes!  i'm wheezing and trying to breathe and just willing my feet to keep moving.  but the awesome thing, is that the next jogging session was easier than the first!  and the last 3 minute session was easier too!

after we were done, it was high five's and hugs all around.  it's kinda weird, but it was kind of emotional for me.  i actually cried a little when i finished my first workout.  i feel like i made a mental switch about the whole losing weight thing.  the week prior, i bought my shoes, and tried to prepare myself mentally.   i kept telling myself over and over "i AM a runner.  i AM a runner."  that's what i kept telling myself as i was doing it, "ang, you ARE a runner.  you WILL finish this." and i did.  i finished.  i didn't quit.  i didn't give up.  and why?  because -

i AM a runner.


  1. So incredibly proud of you Ang!

  2. i love your blog! and this post made me tear up a little. you're a really good writer. love you!

    1. awwwww, thanks hill! that's so sweet and means a lot! you need to update your blog so i can see new pics of your sweet family! i love you and miss you, pretty lady!!

  3. Hopping over from Ruthanne's blog where I saw your comment. You ARE a runner! Congratulations!!! And now you are the final little push I needed to get started myself. Since Ruthanne mentioned baby steps, I haven't decided if I should start with water intake or set a 5K goal. ***big long exhale that i don't know how to translate into type***

    1. oh, marsha... i know exactly how you feel! that was me a few weeks ago! it sounds like you already made the decision to start, which is the hardest part. now, just keep going! if you need an accountablity buddy, or just some random encouragement, just email me. i know i could use it too. you CAN do it!! : )
